Adam, Bryan, Devin, Frank, Gina, Jeremy, Justin, Mark, Martin & Ryan
Final Standings:
- Garica’s Donkey (AKA Free Nate Newton) – Devin
- Pasadena Mudslides – Ryan
- Quahog Flappy Jacks – Martin
- Imperialfleet-o-funk – Frank
- Cellar or Bust – Adam
- ProgesteroneProwlers – Gina
- Dancin Homers – Justin
- MW/OPII RiseofMORBO – Bryan
- Neverland Rancheros – Mark
- Zlurb Maestros – Jeremy
Draft History:
- Priest Holmes
- LaDainian Tomlinson
- Shaun Alexander
- Clinton Portis
- Ricky Williams
- Deuce McAllister
- Ahman Green
- Marshall Faulk
- Travis Henry
- Charlie Garner
Events & Changes of Note:
- Mollie retired
- Mark joined the league
- The Plaque was introduced
- Added a Can’t Cut List
- Dropped from 13 to 12 starting slots
- Dropped from 7 to 6 Bench slots
- Changes result of second known vote in league history
- Two trades vetoed
Yahoo! Records:
o download a PDF copy of the records available on Yahoo!
- Yahoo! final standings do not necessarily match official final standings.
Other Records:
Click Here to download a PDF copy of handwritten Draft Results[one_sixth_last]